Mandan Therapeutic Massage Clinic is here to serve you through various therapeutic modalities. My belief is every body is different and every body responds differently in the way it heals. Because of this philosophy I have taken many different avenues with continuing education and I use several massage techniques such as Deep Tissue, Neuro-Muscular Therapy, Trigger Point Release as well as Aromatherapy, Massage Cupping and many others to treat my clients. I treat every client according to their needs and base my treatments on the feedback I receive from my client. I look forward to seeing you and working with you to ensure you receive the great many benefits of massage therapy. Please reach me at 701-595-1034 or at mandantmc@gmail.com.
Yours in Health,
Christy Yost, LMT,CNMT
Health is more than the absence of illness. Health is the presence of energy, joy and relaxation.